sábado, 27 de junho de 2009


Dear friends,

I grew listening to Michael Jackson's musics, yesterday (25/06/2009) I saw images and listened to notice of his death. Difficult to relate the death of the only body of an idol with the incommensurable brightness that it has while celebrity/astro brilliant that he is. The Music do not dies, an idol do not dies, an astro do not dies, therefore his light NEVER can torn off. Michael Jackson through his music, his dance, his special and only way to be astro, will exist forever in our hearts, in our minds.

August, 29 1958 were a date that showed us that an astro only born, Now June, 25 2009 is a mark that will say us that an astro remains forever.

Yours truly,

Isaac de Cristo – Writer (Camaçari-Bahia-Brazil)

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